Barlow Respiratory Hospital proposed construction of a 150-bed skilled nursing facility on the south end of the hospital’s campus at 2000 Stadium Way in Los Angeles will fill a void to become the only skilled nursing facility to serve the downtown Los Angeles area. The building will ensure uninterrupted continuum of care for patients served at Barlow Respiratory Hospital and other facilities in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
Barlow Respiratory Hospital is a long-term acute care hospital serving patients admitted for post-ICU care. Most patients have spent weeks or months dependent on a ventilator to breathe. After recovering at Barlow, patients are typically transferred to skilled nursing facilities for continued care.
This will enable Barlow Respiratory Hospital physicians to continue to monitor recovery of medically fragile patients within the hospital’s existing campus and will meet the needs of families and patients by eliminating the transition to distant locations for ongoing care. The proposed facility will have a welcoming residential appearance. It will be located in an area that is currently a parking lot and will feature a ground floor lobby, outdoor patios and landscaping designed to preserve and integrate the current environment. Barlow Respiratory Hospital is the only not-for-profit respiratory hospital in California and was founded in 1902 as Barlow Sanatorium.
Read the City of Los Angeles Report here.
Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND ) for Barlow Respiratory Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility
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