Barlow Respiratory Hospital is a not-for-profit organization. A donation of any size makes a difference in the lives of patients. The hospital accepts gifts of cash, check, credit card, stocks/securities, property/real estate and gifts-in-kind.
Barlow Respiratory Hospital treats critically ill patients with specialized Post-ICU care. We rely on the support of individuals like you and on charitable giving from corporations to fulfill our mission. Your generous donations to the Barlow Foundation allow us to serve our patients with expert, state-of-the-art care.
Giving to the Barlow Foundation provides community members and grateful patients with a unique opportunity to be a part of the important work of Barlow Respiratory Hospital. For more than a century, generous individuals have supported Barlow Respiratory Hospital’s mission of making a difference in the lives of our patients. When you donate, your contribution expands this legacy. Thank you.
Gifts of appreciated securities held more than one year generally qualify for a charitable deduction for the full market value of the gift, even if you bought the securities for significantly less than their current value. In addition, you pay no capital gains tax on the appreciated value. For example, if you make a gift of stock currently worth $25,000 that you purchased years ago for $10,000, the gift qualifies for a tax deduction of $25,000 if you itemize, and you pay no capital gains tax on the $15,000 of appreciation.
Contact Us at Barlow Foundation to complete your donation of stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares.
Thank you for your generous support of our Barlow Respiratory Hospital mission.
Phone: 213-202-6816
Email: foundation@barlowhospital.org
By Mail:
Barlow Foundation 2000 Stadium Way Los Angeles, CA 90026To make a gift, please use the Give Now button below. Thank you!