Each year, Barlow Respiratory Hospital treats hundreds of patients referred to us for Post-ICU care of critical illness. Each day, the sickest of the sick come to us, many of them with nowhere else to go for potentially life-saving treatment; nowhere else to go for hope. We give hope – hope for more time with loved ones; hope for the best outcome; hope to go home again. When others have given up, we’re just getting started.
Give to support Barlow Respiratory Hospital and make it possible for patients like Mike Martinez to get a second chance at life. After his heart attack, Mike’s doctors had given up hope but his wife refused to let him go. Mike was transferred to Barlow Respiratory Hospital and recovered. Since then, Mike has celebrated his 37th wedding anniversary, walked his daughter down the aisle, held newborn grandchildren, blew out the candles on birthday cakes, reconnected with old friends, and reprioritized his life to focus on family.
Give so families – families like yours – have a chance at more time with loved ones in a caring, dignified setting. Give so that patients who are so ill that others have given up on them have hope for the best possible care and the best possible outcome.
Give to ensure Barlow Respiratory Hospital will be here for the next century and beyond. We were founded in 1902 and as we enter into our Campaign to ReBuild Barlow, your contributions are more important than ever.
We have made a commitment to rebuild our hospital:
When you make a financial gift to the Campaign to Rebuild Barlow, you give the gift of hope and healing for patients and families today and tomorrow, into the next century and beyond.
This is our most urgent need and all annual donations will be applied to the Campaign to ReBuild Barlow unless otherwise directed by you. Give today and your donation will last more than a lifetime.
We were founded in 1902 and are dedicated to achieving the best possible
outcomes for
quality of life.