Formerly known as the Barlow Respiratory Research Center, our outcomes and health services research has a long history of studying chronically critically ill patient populations. Our name has changed but our focus remains dedicated to improving outcomes and value and openly sharing results with healthcare professional peers to elevate the standard of care for every patient, everywhere.
Barlow Respiratory Hospital Center for Outcomes & Value helps shape health care decisions for patients with ventilator dependency, respiratory failure, and other related diseases in the medically complex patient.
Barlow Respiratory Hospital is recognized as the leader in published outcomes research on weaning patients from prolonged mechanical ventilation. Our annual Outcomes Book is published to illustrate our expertise and is built upon our legacy of excellence.
Outcomes Book
Barlow Respiratory Hospital was the first to publish a protocol specifically for weaning patients
from prolonged mechanical ventilation. Barlow’s
Therapist-Implemented Patient Specific TIPS© Protocol was developed by Barlow pulmonologists based on evidence-based medicine.
The protocol continues to be referenced by health care professionals and
widely adopted by other hospitals.
Barlow Respiratory Research Center led the Ventilation Outcomes Study, the first and only multicenter study of weaning outcomes at long-term acute care hospitals. Barlow Respiratory Research Center served as the Primary Research Site and Data Coordinating Center for the 23-hospital study. Results of the project were published as two papers in the peer-reviewed journal CHEST in 2007.