Home for Fathers’ Day
- Author: Gevork
- Date Submitted: Jun 10, 2019

“Gevork is home now, walking on his own and in the warm embrace of family. His family is glad to have him home with grandchildren to celebrate Fathers’ Day.”
Gevork Tarakchyan is home now, walking on his own and in the warm embrace of family.
His family is especially grateful for the special effort of respiratory therapist Monique while he was at Barlow Respiratory Hospital in Van Nuys, “You know she sang with him? Do you know how much that meant to him?”
Originally from Armenia, Gevorak is 76 years old and is widowed. He lives with his son, George, and his son’s family in Van Nuys.
While Gevorak was hospitalized, George and his wife Veronica shared daily bedside shifts at the hospital to ensure Gevork was never alone in his waking hours. They also tag-teamed care for their school age children. It was not easy, but they are grateful for the care Gevorak received and thankful that he is home for Fathers’ Day.
As a devout Christian, George stopped frequently during our interview to thank god and to praise health care teams at Valley Presbyterian Hospital and Barlow Respiratory Hospital. Doctors, nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Speech Therapists, support staff, even the cleaning crew, made an impression on him as positive and caring and made a difference because they listened to his needs.
Like an honoree at the Academy Awards, George paused as he struggled to name the full list of Barlow staff he wanted to recognize, and asked for a moment to think through the full list. “Dr. Vadgama, Social Worker Jessica…There are so many people I want to thank. I don’t want to leave anyone out.”
“Thank you, Barlow. Thank you!”