Barlow Respiratory Hospital weaning process includes the Passy Muir Speaking Valve (PMV) as a standard of practice. The valve allows mechanically ventilated patients with tracheostomy to speak and facilitates communication and recovery.
Barlow Respiratory Hospital incorporates the use of the Passy Muir® Valve at every opportunity, to enhance the ventilator weaning experience and improve decannulation outcomes. Each tracheostomy and ventilator patient is assessed within 72 hours of admission for the opportunity to use the Passy Muir Valve.
Barlow Respiratory Hospital Therapist-Implemented Patient-Specific (TIPS©) protocol, developed by Barlow pulmonologists and based on years of specialized practice, is a protocol specifically for weaning patients from prolonged mechanical ventilation. It has been nationally recognized and widely adopted by other hospitals. The introduction of the Passy Muir Speaking Valve (PMV) during the weaning process is a standard of practice at Barlow. The valve allows mechanically ventilated patients with tracheostomy to speak and facilitates communication and recovery.
As a national leader in weaning chronically critically ill patients from mechanical ventilation, our goal is to achieve the best possible outcomes to allow patients to recover and return home or discharge to lower levels of care.